Monday, May 1, 2023

March/April Message

Spring Concert

Citadel Park School is hosting a Spring Concert on Thursday, May 25th! There will be performances at 1:30pm and 6:30pm. All students K-4, as well as ukulele club will be performing. Students will be dismissed at the regular time that Thursday, go home to have dinner, then return to school no later than 6:15pm to participate in the evening concert. If you know that your child will not be attending due to a trip or prior commitment, please email me at

Grade 1

Students in grade 1 have been doing lots of movement to music, and are learning many spring songs as the weather gets nicer! Using our Wild Symphony book, we are learning about form in music. Different sections of songs are labelled the letters of the alphabet, for example ABABA. We have added non-pitched percussion instruments to many songs and have learned two songs for the spring concert.

Grade 2

Students have continued learning about instruments of the orchestra through our Wild Symphony stories. The classes worked hard to make up their own actions for our spring concert songs! Students added 're' to their solfege repertoire. To practice melodies, we learned the song I See the Moon. We added xylophones and different percussion instruments to play each part of the song.

Grade 3

Students have had fun learning recorder in music class! We first learned the notes B, A, G, and once we could play those successfully, we added low E to our repertoire. Ask your child about correct recorder technique. Students have practiced playing recorder independently, in partners, and as an ensemble. We have added xylophone playing to recorder songs for our spring concert material.

Grade 4

Through March and April, students have learned to play the recorder. They have learned proper recorder technique such as keeping your left hand on top, blowing softly, and completely covering the holes. We have learned notes G, A, B and low E. Students have practiced playing individually, in partners, and as an ensemble.  correct technique on Recorder G A B E. After we learned to play the notes successfully, we could play more complicated rhythms. Playing recorder also helps students read music on the treble clef scale. We have started combining other instruments, such as xylophones, with recorders.