Friday, March 18, 2022

Happy Spring!

Have an excellent Spring Break! Below is what students have been learning in music class, and what we will pick up after we return from spring break.


Kindergarten will continue listening to Carnival of the Animals. They will be acting out the animals, doing rhythm activities to some songs, and learning movements along to some songs. Over spring break, students can continue listening to Carnival of the Animals songs on Youtube! Ask your child if the song is fast or slow, loud or soft, and what picture comes into their mind while they're listening.

Grade 1 and 2

Grade one and two will continue with our Carnival of the Animals listening unit after the break. They will be learning the difference between fast and slow and loud and soft, and learn movements to some of the songs. Students can re-listen to the Carnival of the Animals lion, hens and roosters, donkey, tortoise, elephant, and kangaroo on YouTube over the spring break if they wish!

Grade three and four

Grade three and four will continue working on ukulele for 1-2 weeks after we return to school after Spring Break. Then, we will move on to reading notes on the treble clef staff. We will use many different instruments for this unit. I will be posting the songs we have been working on, along with some other ukulele material, on Google Classroom. Students can practice singing or playing along over spring break if they like!

Friday, March 4, 2022

March 4, 2022


The kindergarten students are continuing on with our Carnival of the Animals learning. We have listened to the following movements: lion, hens and roosters, donkey/wild horses, tortoise and elephant. For each movement, students participate in a movement activity, and often rhythm activities that follow the song. We are beginning to discuss concepts such as fast/slow, and soft/loud, in relation to the songs. Kinder students are getting very good at 'ta' and 'ti-ti' rhythms!

Grade 1

Grade one students have dug into our Carnival of the Animals learning. We have listened to the March of the Lion, Hens and Roosters, the donkey/wild horses, the tortoises, and the elephant. Students have learned to identify the sounds of pianos, violins, violas, the clarinet and the double bass. We have been discussing the concepts of fast/slow and loud/soft, and identifying those dynamics in each movement. Students have also engaged in movement activities pantomiming each animal!

Grade 2

Students finished their CDE songs and played them for each other on glockenspiels. We have started a listening unit based on Camille Saint-Saens symphony Carnival of the Animals. Each movement represents a different animal. We follow the listening map of each song by acting out the animal, discussing if the song is fast or slow, loud or soft, and why the composer chose those sounds to represent that animal. The sounds of the clarinet, piano, violin, violas, and double bass have been identified. Students connect the songs to their emotions by writing how each song makes them feel.

Grade 3

Grade three have moved on to add F, Am and C7 chords to their repertoire. We have practiced switching chords on a count of eight, advancing to a count of four. In small groups, students have practiced their finger picking songs (Twinkle Twinkle and Mary Had a Little Lamb) and chord progressions. We have worked on the chord progression F -> C -> Am -> C to play a fun Pop Tarts song.

Grade 4

Grade four students have learned chords C, G7, F, Am and C7. In small groups, they have practiced finger picking and chord progressions. They have learned two different strumming patterns to switch chords on a count of four. The chord progression we are working on is C -> Am -> F -> G7. This chord progression will allow students to learn many common songs.

Parent Conferences

I am again available to book for conferences on Thursday, March 10 from 4:00-7:45 and Friday, March 11 from 8:30-1:15. If you're curious about how your child has been doing in music class, please don't hesitate to book a parent conference with me! Booking times are available on the School Conferences website.