Welcome back, Citadel Park students and families!
We are diving right back into music learning after the winter holidays. Here is what each grade has started working on:
Kindergarten students are using Pete the Cat stories to practice keeping the beat. We are continuing to play rhythm instrument to the beat of songs.
Grade 1
Students are working on a Sound Song. Using all of the body percussion sounds we've learned so far this year, each student gets to write their own song using symbols to represent each sound. They will create a legend with their song so that others will be able to play it.
Grade 2
Grade 2 students have begun to notate middle C on the treble clef. They practiced writing C correctly on the treble clef. Once we practice drawing D and E, students will write their own song on the treble clef.
Grade 3
Grade 3 students have begun ukulele lessons. They first learned playing position and resting position, how to pluck a melody on the open strings, and how to play a one-string melody while holding down frets.
Grade 4
Students are picking up where they left off last year with ukulele. Everyone quickly remembered how to hold the instrument, began learning melodies on the open strings, how to hold down frets, and how to play a C chord.