Kindergarten went on many bear hunts in November! We used the story Going on a Bear Hunt to practice keeping the beat and learning patterns in music. First we read the story, then we listened to instrument that make the different sounds in the book. Finally, we went on our own bear hunt, going over and under instruments all around the classroom. Students have also starting learning about 'ta' and 'ti-ti' rhythms. We have clapped many rhythms, and made our own rhythms as a class. Going into December, we are learning many winter songs and poems.
Grade 1
Grade one students have been very excited to start using the xylophones. First we learned the technique about how to get the best sound from our instrument. Student have played some fun warm ups exploring the C major scale. Using the story The Very Busy Spider, students have learned to improvise music on a C pentatonic scale. Choosing between notes C, D, E, they chant the phrase and follow the rhythm.
Grade 2
The grade two students did an excellent job performing in the Remembrance Day ceremony. They worked so hard on learning the words and using their most beautiful singing voices! Grade two students have also been using xylophones. After learning the proper technique, students have used the story The Very Busy Spider to improvise on a C pentatonic scale. Using the notes C, D, E, G, A, everyone chanted the phrase while choosing the notes and following the rhythm. They have come up with some very nice melodies.
Grade 3
The grade three students have been very excited to start using the xylophones. While exploring the C major scale, we have been learning songs with an A B A C form. Students also wrote a time signature quiz this month. Using our knowledge of time signatures and rhythm, we are starting to read percussion scores. Students have started learning a winter song on the xylophone. They have also had a challenge to play a known winter song by ear! The classes have especially enjoyed learning the A and B section to this fun winter song and playing along as a class: To the Top
Grade 4
Grade four students have been working on layering bass and melody sections on the xylophones. They have learned about bass, alto, and soprano xylophones and the different pitches they make. Students have worked in partners, groups, and individually to practice learning songs. We have been putting our rhythm reading skills to the test while reading xylophone scores in order to play the songs correctly. Students have also participated in challenges to play a known song by ear. In December, the classes have started learning some winter songs. The grade four students have been enjoying learning this funny winter song on the xylophones: Sandman